Wednesday 23 December 2020

Nick's News! Hobby Update

 Nick's News! Hobby Update

Since my last blog update I have been quite busy with the hobby. Mainly with Warhammer 40K and mainly with my Eagle Marines.

The 12th Company had a couple of trial 2,000 point games and did okay against both Space Marines and Tyranid armies. This was despite me having only a loose grasp on the changes from 8th Edition to 9th Edition, and despite me not having a good working knowledge of the Stratagems available to my army and how they might synergise with my army traits and special rules. These are essential elements to being successful in Warhammer 40K right now.

As I was saying to a friend recently, one who has not really been a gamer over the years as he is more of a painter of miniatures, the old basics are still there - its a three roll system - I roll to hit, then roll to wound, and then you roll to save. However, the additional rolls for ignoring wounds and the many re-rolls and modifiers do take a lot of remembering.

In addition to the matched play games my 12th Company began a crusade. Captain Tiberius Calgar and his away team of a couple of squads went down to a planet to investigate some xenos activity...... they did not fair too well against them, also a force of Traitor Legion marines was there causing trouble too and the PDF was in open rebellion. Calgar has requisitioned additional units from his company and the support companies in-system. Hopefully, their added skills and weight of numbers will be up to task of handling the threats they face........

Friday 9 October 2020

Nick's News! Blog Update

 Nick's News! Blog Update

This is a quick update regarding my Warhammer 40K Ninth Edition Journey.

The Codex: Space Marines (2020) will arrive tomorrow, together with a whole bunch of new models to add to my growing Primaris collection. I am not certain but I think that the 12th (Battle) Company, plus support from the 11th (Veteran) Company, the 14th (Infiltrator) Company, 15th (Incursor) Company, 18th (Reserve) Company, 19th (Reserve) Company & 20th (Scout) Company, will now be larger in terms of model count than the Mighty 5th Company with its supporting units.

I will at some point do an 'Army Showcase' video for here and on my YouTube Channel that includes all my Space Marines, past and present. It will take me a while to set them all up......