Thursday, 1 September 2022

Chaos Space Marines! Codex 2022

 Chaos Space Marines! Codex 2022

This is a follow up to my posts and thoughts on Chaos Space Marines now that the Codex: 2022 has landed. At the time of writing the Codex has been out a few weeks but I have not yet had a game using it.

I have been playing about on Battle Scribe with list building and trying to put each of my Companies or Warbands into viable 2,000 point strike force armies. But not yet fielded them in battle.

For a bit of fun I will firstly use the Hounds of Abaddon using the Codex and the White Dwarf rules.

Overall I do like the new Codex. The way it is set out is good, devoting a separate section to each Legion (or pseudo legion in the case of the Red Corsairs). Again it was disappointing not to see the Table of Twenty Legions like the Space Marine Codex always includes. Doing this would be really useful for new players especially to see how the Horus Heresy divided the Legions as it did. Maybe Chaos Codex: 2025 will be the time we see it.....

It is perhaps best that GW has gone down the route of sub-factions in the main book, as opposed to a main book and supplements. The downside for some players will be that if they only play Black Legion, several pages are going to be irrelevant to their Army.

I think most Factions now have a similar Codex layout though. Certainly in 9th Edition several of my Armies have Codexes with pages that I may never use.

Anyhow, I'll try to do a post after I've played a few games with Chaos Space Marines, see how they perform.

Wednesday, 30 March 2022

Nick's News! Hobby Update

 Nick's News! Hobby Update

Greetings. It has been a while.......

Hobby Time

I have been constantly active in the hobby since my last update. Mainly in the world of Warhammer 40K. I have enjoyed two or three games a week. Mostly 'friendly' MatchPlay but some OpenWar too.

Since my last hobby update when I wrote about my Eagle Marines getting table top time, I switched soon after to give other armies a try.

My Black Legion project is ongoing (see my YouTube Channel) with the Six Companies each progressing since the last video record of the whole. As it was (still is) some time before 9th Edition Codex: Chaos Space Marines is released I decided to field the Bringers of Decay Warband using Codex: Death Guard. This was good because I got marines with two wounds, and a 9th Edition Codex to employ strategems etc. It was not perfect as my Warband does not include Codex: Death Guard specific units (e.g. Plague Burst Crawlers or Deathshroud Terminators) but I used the force in several games, won a couple, and enjoyed seeing them on the tabletop.

Following on from there I did a similar thing using Codex: Thousand Sons. My Sons of the Cyclops Warband had a few battles. Not having Exulted Sorcereres or Scarab Occult Terminators was a handicap but my 'magic marines' did ok and gave my regular opponents some things to think about.

(see below for my thoughts on Bolters!)

After the Marines of Nurgle and Marines of Tzeentch got their outings it was time for something very different. Genestealer Cult. 

I had been working on my GSC Army for a good while (since Deathwatch Overkill was released in February 2016). I had added units and built and painted them slowly over time. I did not have a battle ready force to use in 8th Edition but when 9th Edition Codex dropped in early 2022 it was time to see how they faired. Luckily my random purchases when put into BattleScribe created a fairly neat 2,000 points list. It was very character skewed and there was no room for any a purestrain unit (or two) but it fitted nicely into two detachments - one mostly Neophytes, the other Acolytes.

The GSC had several battles. Remembering all the rules for them was the hardest part. My inability to make crucial (re-rollable) charge rolls let them down terribly!! 

I had a couple of games using half the force each time against my Dark Angels opponent. Each element did ok considering they did not have the combined benefits of shooting/melee in the full list.

Next out of storage are the Adeptus Custodes. The 9th Edition Codex sees me with circa 3,000 points worth including a 500 point Sisters of Silence. 

I cut down the list to 2,000 points (no Sisters) and had my first match play game with them yesterday. It was a close game but I lost to a hard hitting Guard army that Missiled my bikes off the board in turn one!

Chaos Marines

At the time of writing the release of Codex: Chaos Space Marines has just been announced. I am looking forward to fielding the Black Legion and it's allied warbands soon......


The datasheet for Legionaries was released/leaked a few days ago. It included the standards stats for the Boltgun. This is a huge opportunity missed by GW. Playing with the Magic Marines and their Inferno Boltguns with -2 AP was very nice.

I recently watched a YouTube vid bemoaning the fact that a Tactical Marine with standard Bolter was now overshadowed by several Troops choices in the game. The presenter was suggesting one or more of increased Strength, Range or AP without coming to a conclusion. And saying that it would be tricky to introduce with so many Codexes including Bolters.

The solution is obvious and simple. xRef Astartes Chainswords

Imperial Bolters: Rapid Fire 1; S4; AP 0; D1

Astartes Bolters: Raid Fire 1; S4; AP -1; D1

Heretic Bolters: Rapid Fire 1; S4; AP -1; D1

Inferno Bolters: Rapid Fire 1; S4; AP -2; D1

[Inquisition Bolters: Rapid Fire 2; S5; AP -2; D2]

The last one is tongue in cheek as my next project is Sisters of Battle.......

They should all be 24" range as Bolt Rifles can be 30" Range and not upset things.

As Codex updates get released, just run out new versions.

I'd like to have had:

Bubonic Bolters: Rapid Fire 1; S5, AP 0; D1 (Plague Rounds, so re-roll wounds)

It always puzzled me that a lowly Guard Sergeant could carry a rare and revered weapon like a Bolter. Giving them lesser versions fixes the anomaly.  

Anyhow. These are my thoughts. It will be interesting to see what occurs over the next 12 months and into 10th Edition.