Thursday, 1 September 2022

Chaos Space Marines! Codex 2022

 Chaos Space Marines! Codex 2022

This is a follow up to my posts and thoughts on Chaos Space Marines now that the Codex: 2022 has landed. At the time of writing the Codex has been out a few weeks but I have not yet had a game using it.

I have been playing about on Battle Scribe with list building and trying to put each of my Companies or Warbands into viable 2,000 point strike force armies. But not yet fielded them in battle.

For a bit of fun I will firstly use the Hounds of Abaddon using the Codex and the White Dwarf rules.

Overall I do like the new Codex. The way it is set out is good, devoting a separate section to each Legion (or pseudo legion in the case of the Red Corsairs). Again it was disappointing not to see the Table of Twenty Legions like the Space Marine Codex always includes. Doing this would be really useful for new players especially to see how the Horus Heresy divided the Legions as it did. Maybe Chaos Codex: 2025 will be the time we see it.....

It is perhaps best that GW has gone down the route of sub-factions in the main book, as opposed to a main book and supplements. The downside for some players will be that if they only play Black Legion, several pages are going to be irrelevant to their Army.

I think most Factions now have a similar Codex layout though. Certainly in 9th Edition several of my Armies have Codexes with pages that I may never use.

Anyhow, I'll try to do a post after I've played a few games with Chaos Space Marines, see how they perform.