When I purchased the two Horus Heresy boxed sets, Betrayal at Calth and the Burning of Prospero, I considered what Legion I wanted the miniatures to be modeled and painted as.
My initial thought was the Ultramarines, as my Eagle Marines are a successor chapter. But I felt that I had already painted enough 'blue miniatures' and so looked at the other potential Legions. My chaos army is World Eaters and so that was a consideration, but 30K era World Eaters are not red and gold so they might not be dual purpose - being a 30K army outright and a boost for my 40K chaos army.
Whilst assembling them I considered that my usual black primer might be also good as the base coat for the army - and that is when I decided that the Raven Guard would be the chosen legion/chapter.
Not only would the 'Ravens' be different enough to my 'Eagle Marines' but as they are both named after birds there was some synergy too.
There is still a lot more to do
\But I have made a start
With plenty of troops, and terminators and a couple of dreadnoughts (one from the Talons of the Emperor set) there is a good core army for both 30K and 40K
Once fully assembled, the next step will be to give them a base coat of Chaos Black spray
The Raven Guard project is probably third or fourth in line in my current schedule
The next update will hopefully be in a month or two...........
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