I have not posted for a while, but the launch of WH40K: 10th Edition has prompted me to create an update.
At the time of writing, I have had three games of the new edition so far.
Game 1: My Chaos Knights v Imperial Guard
I used my Chaos Knights in my final game of 9th Edition and came away with a good win against my regular Tyranids opponent. The buffs and synergies really worked and my knights were powered up. So, seeing how the same list would do seemed like a plan.
The first game of 10th Edition ended after Battle Round Three (due to time running out) The result was a narrow win for the Imperial Guard. But if the game had carried on, I could not have turned it around as I had few assets left. One big knight and two little ones.
First impressions? The 'rules on index cards' did not speed things up particularly. There are still lots of layers. Plus, no psychic phase means psychic powers 'go off' in unexpected phases. Also, vehicles are now very tough to 'bring down' easily. Which might be more 'realistic' but will take getting used to.
One other point was that the ability to create a 2,000 points list was not easy. I ended up with an 1,850 point list and added (illegally) missile pods to two knights to level the points.
There was one stratagem on the index cards that was unusable: extending the aura of the Abominant - who had no auras.
Game 2: My Adeptus Custodes v Tyranids
My second game against my regular opponent was a solid victory. The Custodes are very resiliant, especially in decent sized units, with a leader in each.
I only had four unit blocks: Wardens, Guard, Terminators, Bikes (plus a Culexus Assassin)
The bikes (five plus captain) went up the centre and took a lot of damage, the other units did what the wanted, the assassin took out the Neurothrope.
Overall a decent game with a good result.
Game 3: My Adeptus Custodes v Tyranids
My third game resulted in a defeat.
I wanted to include Sisters of Silence to see how they performed. In 9th Edition they had a valuable role against Tyranids, shutting down their psychic phase.
In 10th Edition: T3, W1 sisters are like paper against any non-psychic attacks.
The smaller Custodes units (reduced to be able to free up points for the sisters) meant they got cut down more easily, leaving my Guard and my Bikes with just their Captains left after Battle Round Three.
General Thoughts
It is early days and learning the unit rules will take time. The core rules are 'ok' but ditching the psychic phase was a mistake.
I am hoping that GW re-introduces per model points cost. Many of my lists use odd unit sizes for fluffy or practical reasons. Having to leave models 'on the shelf' or pay a big 'points tax' to field them is a feel bad moment.
My fear is that most of the 10th Edition Codexes are now 'written' and addressing any issues will be by FAQ, Balance Data Slates etc meaning that I'll be writing edits in pen in brand new books as soon as they arrive. Not a great prospect.
Future Plans
I have my fourth game tomorrow. My Eagle Marines v Tyranids. I have picked a 'Seven Cards Only' Strike Force based around Intercessors/Terminators/Dreadnoughts to try to reduce rules complexity.
As mentioned, Vehicles are 'tough' so will only be vulnerable to my opponents biggest guns.
I'll see how it goes.....................