Sunday, 27 October 2019

Chaos Space Marines: Heretic Astartes

Chaos Space Marines: Heretic Astartes

Looming on my hobby horizon is my Chaos Space Marine Army. At present it is a small force of World Eaters:

The models are a mixture of second, third and fourth editions. Some metal, some early plastics. This goes against my wish to keep my armies to a particular period but I cannot see myself wanting to divide them into viable armies. The best I can achieve will be to create a number of detachments that comprise of models from an period in time.

New models will be added. These are mainly the Chaos Marines from the Dark Imperium Box and Shadowspear Box Sets.

This is of course a problem because the Death Guard and the Daemonkin are not Word Eaters.

It has bothered me for a while that my World Eaters was very restricted in terms of units I could add. No sorcerers of havocs in particular.

However, I now have a plan to re-visit Chaos as the Black Legion. A bit of an obvious choice but one I guess that many decide upon as very few models would not feel at home in a Black Legion Army.

Luckily, the fluff is very accommodating. The World Eaters will now be: Hounds of Abaddon. The Death Guard models will become: Bringers of Decay. And any other new additions will be Black Legion. With scope to add Sons of Cyclops and Children of Torment units too.

All of this has reminded me of my thoughts on Chaos Space Marines and why, despite being the 'old enemy' and number one nemesis of loyal Space Marines they are never treated equally.

I will put down my thoughts in a follow up post.........