General Update
It has again been a good while since my last update. I have continued to try to keep track of my hobby by taking photos of models as they progress from being unboxed to being battle-ready.
The main additions have been to my Eagle Marines, and in particular the new Primaris Companies. The introduction of Vanguard Primaris Marines has caused me to remove the Reiver models from the Company X rosta and add them along with the contents of the Shadowspear Box to a new Company V.
New Genestealer Cult models were purchased but they remain unboxed right now. I am still not certain how they will fit in my existing Genestealer/Chaos Cult collection. There is still a lot of work to do on adding the eBay bits and bobs to create a 'Space Marines who have really gone off track and now worship the Four-Armed Emperor' army.......
I have bought and built some 'Big bugs' though so however the army turms out it will have some io-tanks as support.
The other Wharhammer 40,000 armies have not seen much attention. Although my Grey Knights received some additions off eBay and they all got 32mm bases and a KR Carrycase too.
It was the 75th Anniversary of D-Day back in June and both Flames of War and Bolt Action came out with new books and models. I need to re-visit both of these collections. Particularly Flames of War as it is now in Fourth Edition......
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